Sunday, April 21, 2013

Goodbye Regular Season... 16 Wins Until "Not One"

Wednesday's season's finale against Orlando closed the books on the most fun basketball season I've ever had the privilege of witnessing. 

A historic streak.

A six-game stretch of unparallelled scoring and efficiencies.

Dramatic acts of athleticism and skill from basketball savants.

Four future hall-of-famers and a supporting cast of energy players, sharp-shooters, and superb role players.  All coming together to produce a 66 win season. 

But now it all comes down to 16 more wins. 

When LeBron said the Heat would win "not one, not two, not three, not four....." he was talking about championships.   Now Championship Number Two is 16 wins away.

With another championship will come another step towards the world recognizing greatness, and perhaps..... a dynasty.